Rules for accepted guest blog posts on

In The Clear Choice 0 comments

We don't charge for sponsored guest posts to our blog. We’d be happy to publish your original content so long as it's something of value to our audience, and follows a few simple rules outlined in this blog post below.

Rules for accepted guest blog posts:

  1. No guest blog post will be accepted that is promoting natural or lab diamonds. We have not ever and will never produce content endorsing people to purchase diamond jewelry.
  2. No guest blog post will be accepted that is promoting products or services directly competitive with those of our company.
  3. No guest blog post will be accepted that is not original (we use Copyscape). Post it wherever you like later, but the first publishing needs to be on our site.
  4. No guest blog post will be accepted that is less than 800 words. You can’t put much advice in a 300 word blog post, so we avoid writers who are just trying to crank out content for links.
  5. No guest blog post will be accepted with blatant spelling and grammar errors.
  6. Any accepted guest blog post should cite and link out to 2 or more credible, relevant sources that have nothing to do with you or your business. Most things have been written about before, and it’s doing our reader a disservice not to share some of the best of what’s already out there. We're especially happy when your post can link to something relevant we have already published on
  7. Any accepted guest blog post should have no more than 1 self-serving link promoting your business/website for each 3 total links (preferably in a bio at the conclusion of your article).
  8. Any accepted guest blog post should fit in with our blog’s theme and commonly covered topics.
  9. Include pictures if you wish (it is not required). If you do, please provide a source as we don't want to unknowingly publish a copyrighted image.
  10. Most people submit a post in an attached word document or Googledocs. Either is fine, PDF is not.

For, ours is a blog about cubic zirconia jewelry, creative and artsy ways to use cubic zirconia stones, facts about precious metals (gold, sterling silver, palladium, platinum), man-woman relationships, romance, engagement proposal stories and tips, lessons for a better married life, and news about the diamond cartel and its despicable practices. We won’t typically accept guest posts on other topics no matter how well they are written or who wrote and submitted them. 

Frankly, most people just like you who reach out to us about guest blog posting never came through with anything. So we’re not expecting anything from you either. However, you are welcome to
contact us after reading these “Rules for accepted guest blog posts”.  

When you reach out, mention “guest blog post” in the inquiry form emailed to us so your message is routed to the marketing director, who
will discuss each post possibility with a prospective writer one-to-one via email.  And when you do reach out, make things easier on everyone and let us know 2-4 ideas you think would fit and we'll help you narrow in on one and provide you an upcoming publish date to target.


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