Cubic Zirconia 101: Properties of CZ

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Color it blue, red, yellow, yellow, white, or whatever tint you want. Looking at it, with the untrained eye, you’ll mistake it as a diamond, a natural gem mined from the earth.

But using a jeweler’s loupe, this flawless, crystal-like piece of stone is not a diamond but a mimic of which it is called cubic zirconia or 'CZ' as it is popularly known. 

History: Cubic Zirconia was discovered in the 18th century. It was later in the Soviet that scientists and mineralogists alike studied and perfected the technique wherein the gemstone could reach its maximum crystalline form. This milestone was known to the public in 1973 and commercial production began in the 70’s. And by the 1980’s mass production has reached its peak and laboratories produced over 50 million carats of this beautiful, sparkling artificial gemstone.

Physical Attributes: The quality of this gemstone depends on the ingredients used and the right proportion of formula and its purity. As a diamond stimulant, it sparkles brighter than crystal and is remarkably harder than most gems. It weighs 65% more than a diamond does (which accounts for the diamond-carat equivalents our company uses to sell cubic zirconia jewelry in diamond-traditional sizes). 

CZ also has a high rate of dispersion. That is, when light shines on it, the stone brilliantly sparkles with different colors refracted on its structure. It can also be made in any color, though clear/white is most popular. Because of its natural form, low cost, durability and its close visual likeness to diamonds Cubic Zirconia has become and remained the primary diamond competitor. 

Advantages and Disadvantages: Ever since its availability in the market, one cannot miss it from any jewelry stand or trinket shop. What with its low price point and it looks great, too.

From rings to earrings, to bracelets to necklaces, to pendants, one can wear it anywhere, anytime without worrying about getting it lost or damaged. It can also be adjusted or prepared to suit one’s taste or lifestyle. It can be set in silver sterling and gold just like diamonds.

This gemstone requires low maintenance, too. Just clean it like one would any other gem and that’s it.

Bear in mind though, that cubic zirconia stones are more prone to scratches so the use of a soft cloth is required and handling it gently also helps.

This cubic zirconia stone too, is brittle and has less resistance than harder diamonds to breakage from falls or impacts. 

We at mitigate any fear of scratching by offering a lifetime warranty you can read about on our website. So we've got your back! 

Because these gemstones can be produced in as much quantity as production and resources may allow unlike real diamonds which take millions of years to form, the inherent value of diamonds (which have limited quantity) will always be more than its visual counterpart cubic zirconia.  

Still, when you want to be fashionable and cannot afford to buy and maintain high-end baubles-- or you have your eye to saving money you can invest on other uses like a wedding, honey-moon, or other special'll be in great company with millions of others if you choose cubic zirconia over diamonds. 

From a mineralogical standpoint, even the highest-quality artificially-produced CZ is not a genuine gemstone like diamonds are classified. From a jewelry standpoint, however, as we say...if you can't TELL the difference...why PAY the difference?

Go here to check out our full collection of cubic zirconia in various shapes and sizes.

Unsure about which stone shape suits you/her? Read our article Which Center Stone Shape Is Best For You/Her?

Unsure about which stone size suits you/her? Read our article Which Center Stone Size Is Best For You/Her?

Interested in colored cubic zirconia stones? Find out more here.


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