Cubic Zirconia Vs Diamond

diamond vs czHigh-quality Cubic Zirconia vs Diamond is harder to tell the difference than most people realize!

Did you know that the untrained and naked eye cannot distinguish the difference between an expensive, ideal cut natural mined diamond stone and the highest-quality flawless 5A Cubic Zirconia stone such as those made, sold and used in jewelry by

Even gemologists cannot tell the difference between the 5A diamond-quality cubic zirconia we make and flawless diamonds without thorough examination and testing using special tools. 

5A Cubic Zirconia Vs Diamond Comparison

cubic zirconia versus diamondWomen (and the men who love to buy for them!) are learning every day just how much better value for pure beauty and fashion jewelry can be featuring premium-quality 5A Cubic Zirconia over artificially-price-inflated diamonds.

Two German mineralogists discovered the cubic form of zirconium oxide back in 1937 and Russian scientists learned how to make this diamond-alternative in a laboratory in the 1970s. But it wasn't until the 1980s when Cubic Zirconia became popular with jewelers— many of whom don’t like stocking high-quality Cubic Zirconia jewelry in their stores because so many consumers once they see a CZ jewelry piece “side by side” with a diamond piece will buy the much less expensive CZ piece too often…which can sure hurt the profits of those big jewelry stores with all their fancy display cases and highly paid salespeople!

In the last 20 years the industry has really blossomed with new developments in Cubic Zirconia production, and we have been able to produce a new exciting line in many different colors. Today, 5A Cubic Zirconia from is undoubtedly established as the highest quality and best value diamond substitute available in today fashionable jewelry market.

Want to discover more about the differences between our 5A diamond-quality stones and actual mined, natural diamonds? Here are some of our best resources:

Did you realize MUCH of what you're shown locked in jewelry cases at the most well-known diamond retail establishments are actually set with high-quality CZ and not diamond? That 'diamond' jewelry in the case at your local jeweler is...actually cubic zirconia ...

The discussion with your future spouse about a non-diamond engagement ring can be a tough conversation when society has a certain expectation but you want to do something different. We call it being "between a rock and a hard place".

This article will provide a few ideas and resources to help couples talk through the options for a non-mined-diamond alternative. Just as you can create your own wedding experience, you can choose an engagement ring that actually reflects your values-- individually and as a couple. And if you do it together, it's a great test-drive of many future values-driven decisions a marriage will be better off for if a couple makes together.

Between a rock and a hard place: Talking to your love about non-mined-diamond engagement alternatives ...

The best-quality CZ such as our 5A cubic zirconia from are flawless, durable, and brilliant- visually indistinguishable from natural diamonds to the naked eye.

But is 5A cubic zirconia a diamond?

Is 5A Cubic Zirconia A Diamond? Shocking truth about diamond simulants... ...
I write to you in the spirit of collegiality, and with all due respect for your company in the jewelry industry, from the law offices of Dewey, Cheatem, & Howe on behalf of my clients, the Transatlantic United Retail Diamond Sellers. An Open Letter to from Your Friendly Local Retail Jewelry Stores ...

Beyond great entertainment that brought in $170+ million US dollars at the box office globally, few movies have been more influential in stirring a call for change than the 5-time Academy Award nominated film "Blood Diamond". It's helped humanity, it's helped our business too.

    For the marriage-minded, engagement proposal planner with a future fianceé on the fence about choosing natural mined diamonds or an alternative: he/she can simply have a movie night and watch Blood Diamond together (you won’t have to say much, and if you haven’t seen it…he/she will want to talk after watching).

"Blood Diamond" alternatives, and real life 15 years after the movie ...

"Give Cubic Zirconia a Chance as Diamond Replacement for Bridal Jewelry" says Journalist.

Yes, a man doesn't need thousands of dollars to make a good husband. Top-quality CZ can supply what couples really need from an engagement ring a fraction of the cost.

"Give Cubic Zirconia a Chance as Diamond Replacement for Bridal Jewelry" says Journalist ...

We do not acknowledge any independent, industry-wide and international authority on the making of diamond-quality synthetic cubic zirconia stones. That means anyone out there claiming to make a better stone or a "certified" stone may as well be making that claim up from thin air as far as we are concerned. Certification schmertification.

Certification Schmertification ...

With prices dropping globally at unprecedented rates, the diamond cartel appears to be losing their power.

Top-quality Cubic zirconia has always been an affordable choice.

Is Diamond Cartel Losing Its Vice Grip on the Industry? ...
Get help figuring out what size stone cubic zirconia you need-- whether you need to convert from millimeters to CZ carat size or diamond carat size to the equivalent cubic zirconia dimensions. Measure our CZ stones using these instructions and mm-to-carat comparison chart. We use diamond-carat-equivalent sizes on Cubic Zirconia Size Chart by Carat Weight ...
These videos show the most popular different shapes of cubic zirconia loose stones we make and sell, as well as the customizable center stones available for setting atop the highest percentage of most products we make and sell in our jewelry catalog. Cubic Zirconia Stone Shape Videos ...

Take a look at the Google Trends for “cubic zirconia” (what we make and sell) versus “fake diamond”, “man made diamond” and “artificial diamond”.

What's more popular?

    Fake diamonds
    Artificial diamonds
    Man made diamonds
    Cubic zirconia

    Here's what the Google search research says...

What's more popular? Fake diamonds, Artificial diamonds, and Man made diamonds vs Cubic zirconia ...

The Moh's Scale of Hardness ranks minerals, gemstones, metals and other materials based on what material scratches what other materials, and what materials are scratched by it in return.

Basically, a material can be scratched by anything ranked above it and can scratch anything ranked below it. This is important because you're going to learn how to mostly prevent the #1 reason fine precious metal jewelry becomes damaged and doesn't last the lifetime you expect it to last!

Diamond vs 5A Cubic Zirconia: Moh's scale of Hardness, and How to Protect your Jewelry from unwanted Scratches ...
Diamonds are universally measured against the “4C’s standard”: Cut, Color, Clarity and Carat Weight. All these characteristics can also be found in top-quality cubic zirconia stones, such as those manufactured for use in our finished jewelry and sold through our website.

In this blog post, let’s discuss how these two stones compare. The more perfect the diamond, the harder a jeweler has to work to determine if it's really a diamond...or one of our cubic zirconia stones! Let's see how...
The 4C's of Cubic Zirconia ...

Not yet decided on the right shape of the center stone of your engagement ring? No problem! Let’s see if we can talk through it together.

Which Center Stone Shape Is Best For Me/Her? ...

Choosing the size of your ring’s center stone – is bigger always better? How big is too big? Hint: it all depends on your perceived degree of affluence.


Which Center Stone Size Is Best For Me/Her? ...

Anyone who says they can tell the difference with the naked eye (i.e. looking unaided, with no special tools or props) between a perfect mined diamond and the top-quality 5A Cubic Zirconia such as that we make and use in our jewelry is:

  • lying
  • only giving anecdotal evidence based on a flawed experiment set-up
  • comparing diamonds to poor-quality CZ manufactured by companies trying to save money on quality.(i.e. not cubic zirconia)
  • trying to sell you diamond jewelry
  • or some combination of the above.
Allow us to explain...
What we mean when we say "visually indistinguishable from a perfect, mined diamond to the naked eye" ...
Simply Complete the contact form to request our special email report “Diamond Doubters Manifesto: The 9 Great Lies of The Diamond Cartel”...and prepare to have your curiosity tickled and mind blown.

If you’d like to go on believing natural diamonds are rare and valuable…don’t read the manifesto!
9 great lies of diamond cartel ...
Journalists have known for decades what anyone who tries to do so finds out pretty quickly: it’s hard to sell a diamond for anywhere close to what you paid for it. But if you need cash and fast...what’s to do?

Enter's "Diamond Downgrade" program, which allows you to keep your jewelry, just sell the diamond for fast cash at a fair price, have it replaced with our 5A/AAAAA cubic zirconia...and be assured that no one will ever know the difference.
Diamond Downgrade program gives you Cash For Your Diamond and a perfect CZ Replica replacement for your cherished jewelry ...


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can you tell the difference from diamonds and cubic zirconia?