Which Precious Metal Is Right For Me/Her?
Make no mistake. Although our stones are imitation diamonds, the precious metals we use in our jewelry items are exactly that – PRECIOUS.
How to Clean your Fine Cubic Zirconia Jewelry Safely, Cheaply and Effectively
Forget so-called 'home-remedies' for cleaning jewelry and expensive jewelry cleaners that only work for some kinds of jewelry (and damage others). There are two simple ways to clean your CubicZirconia.com jewelry yourself, at home. One method is basically free, and the other will cost you less than US$15 bucks. We'll discuss both methods of cleaning fine CZ jewelry in this post. We recommend cleaning daily-wear rings, earrings, and pendants from CubicZirconia.com every week or at most every two weeks. 
Things to Avoid While Wearing Your Fine Cubic Zirconia Jewelry
Follow our care and cleaning FAQ’s simple rules for proper and regular care, and avoid letting your jewelry encounter these harmful substances too much, and there’s no reason your fine cubic zirconia jewelry from CubicZirconia.com can’t last you a lifetime.