7 habits I didn’t think were weird until my husband told me
In any given intimate relationship, you should prepare yourself to learn one or more things that are strange, odd or just plain weird about this person with whom you're sharing your time and space and maybe life, too. Neurotic about recycling? Midnight lunch? Showering only in the dark? Naming and talking to your cars? Or God forbid...putting ketchup on eggs? Here are 7 weird wife habits I didn't know were odd until my husband told me.
The New Word: An Affordibauble Ring
A little while ago I learned a new word: “affordibauble”. Alright, alright, you got me.  It’s not a real word, so to speak.Here at the shop, we made it up. But this made up word IS "A Word That Saves You Money".
The Trap of Marriage Comparisons and the Cure for Relationship Envy
We believe much of the unhappiness in many otherwise average marriages can be traced back to the question: “Who do you compare yourselves with?”. If your comparison ‘benchmark’ is other couples who you feel are happier, more intimate, more intelligent, more beautiful, more popular, more compatible, more powerful, more accomplished, fitter and wealthier than you and your partner? Well, that kind of marriage comparison is a giant, 34-car pile-up waiting to happen. Here’s the solution.
10 Engagement Proposal Ideas That Totally ROCK
Funny, public, private, complicated, or perfectly simple—when you both look back on the moment you proposed, if you smile and feel the warmth of your love, you will know that your proposal was exactly right for the two of you. Here are ten engagement proposal ideas to create a memorable proposal story for you both-- a “how he asked” answer you'll each enjoy telling for years and decades to come.
Relationship Goals: Where do you want your relationship to be in 6 months?
Imagine if you had a crystal ball and could fast forward your life to 6 months from now and take a peek at what awaits.  What would your relationship with your significant other look like? Would you finally be engaged? Would you have transitioned from engaged to having had a wedding? Would your marriage be out of the rut it’s kinda gotten in recently? Would the two of you be healthier, wealthier and happier? Would you be enjoying more quality time as a couple? Would you live a life of more sex, less stress, more fun, less arguing?This future version of yourselves is possible.Here’s a “smart” way to make it happen, together.