7 habits I didn’t think were weird until my husband told me
In any given intimate relationship, you should prepare yourself to learn one or more things that are strange, odd or just plain weird about this person with whom you're sharing your time and space and maybe life, too. Neurotic about recycling? Midnight lunch? Showering only in the dark? Naming and talking to your cars? Or God forbid...putting ketchup on eggs? Here are 7 weird wife habits I didn't know were odd until my husband told me.
Become a better husband in 30 minutes or less
How can you be a better partner to her, even if you're short on time? Time is precious in a relationship-- especially when you know you could be doing better but aren’t quite sure how to improve things with the limited time you have available to invest in making your wife feel understood, appreciated, respected, and loved. Here are 7 quick ideas from Mr. Cubic Zirconia to help you become a better husband in 30 minutes or less.
Husband and Wife Pranking: 25 Epic Spouse-on-Spouse Pranks
There’s a thin line between love and hate-- and most spouses will tell you there are some annoying quirks his/her husband or wife have that become irritating pet peeves over years in close proximity.  But revenge isn’t the answer with a significant other (though the neighbor that complains about noise you and your partner never made is fair game to prank with a dog whistle that causes her canines to caterwaul all night long as the two of you crack up). If the offender is your other half, one way to show your displeasure with something in a fun way is a non-mean-spirited, light-hearted, good-old-fashioned spouse-on-spouse prank. Today we’re gonna have fun with 30 fun spouse-on-spouse pranking ideas.
What every unmarried guy/girl should know about the ring before the ring (8 times a promise ring is perfect)
You have to realize that for some women, the perception in her head is that it’s like Frodo and the mountain of fire: there is only ONE ring, and that ring is the engagement ring. However...there ARE some times when a promise ring is perfect. Every unmarried guy/girl should know this about promise rings aka ‘the ring before the ring’. When should I give/expect a promise ring? The short answer for most is NEVER.  The large majority of men don’t give one. And most women don’t expect a promise ring.When to give a promise ring is less about time spent dating and more about the circumstances of the couple.  Most couples don’t need a promise ring, but here’s 8 reasons you MAY want one.   
Inches from dumped in a divorce or early death: The history of the high jump is calling on above-average men to raise the bar as husbands
Statistically, the average man and husband may be just centimeters/inches away from getting dumped in a divorce-- or dying in an early death…but in a weird quirk we’ll discuss in today’s article comparing the art of being a husband with the historical evolution of the world record for the high jump, in the humdrum competition of husbands, that same man is also just centimeters/inches away from a champion husband his wife will continue to love, adore, respect and yes-- at times LOL-- obey. Men, there’s a secret to being the high-above-average husband your wife deserves-- one that’s only inches away.