Custom Cubic Zirconia (CZ) Jewelry FAQ- "I just requested a custom quote..."

"I just requested a custom quote..."

A: After we receive your quote request, we will review the details and make sure we have enough information to provide you with an accurate price estimate.  We do our very best to respond to price quotes within 48 hours. Sometimes we need to ask for more details or do more research on the structure of the design to ensure we’re providing an accurate price, and therefore your price quote may take a bit longer.  But don’t worry -- if we need additional information we’ll reach out to you and ask (typically via email). Please be sure to check the email account for the email address you gave us when submitting your quote request in the following day or two in case we need to ask any clarifying questions!

Note: Now is also a good time to figure out your ring size if you requested a custom ring quote and don't already know your ring size. See FAQ question "What if I don't know my ring size?" below.

A: We do our very best to respond to price quotes within 48 hours. Sometimes a price quote requires additional research, or your answers to clarifying questions we may have to fully understand your desires, and those delays are simply a necessary inconvenience to ensure we’re providing an accurate price. Depending on how many custom jewelry requests our custom design team is working on at the time, we can also develop a queue and it may take longer to respond. So if it's been 48 hours and you still haven't received a price quote, don't worry! 

A firm estimate can take a bit longer at times, though we'll be communicating with you during that 48 hour period for sure. That means if you haven't seen any email from us AT ALL, that’s a problem! Make sure to check your SPAM folder, because we’ve probably emailed you once or twice already and it just slipped through somehow. You can also call us at 888-355-2484 or use the live chat on our website between the hours of 10am and 8pm EST so we can get our communication on the same page.

When you do get your price quote, you can make your purchase planning decision with a firm and accurate price we've put real time, thought, and effort into providing so you'll have all the information you need to feel confident moving forward.

A: Sure, nothing about your requested custom CZ jewelry design is "locked in" until after money has changed hands, we've drafted the CAD computer design rendering, shared it with you and received your written approval. Only then do we move forward with actual metal manufacturing of your custom jewelry, which means that you'll be getting what you ordered and approved. Please keep in mind, however, that changes in the design you request before then may change the price quote we previously provided you-- especially if the changes you want will require significantly more precious metal weight, a much greater number of accent stones, or an increased overall complexity of the design. We can update the new price once we fully understand the changes you're looking for. We can also work with you to reduce the price of the design by making suggestions that would be less costly.

A: Yes, this is a fundamental part of our custom jewelry program. You’ll have full approval of the design before we start manufacturing.  We start by creating a 360 degree CAD digital image rendering of your design.  This where our computer design team takes the images and/or sketches you provide, as well as your specific instructions, and creates a 3-D digital design of your piece.  After it's complete, you'll get to see the digital design for approval and provide us with your feedback so we can make any changes necessary to make sure you're sure we've got it right.

This step is so important because the digital design rendering's computer file is what we feed into the machine to build the first wax mold of your jewelry, a wax mold that our experienced jewelry craftsmen use as the model for hand-manufacturing the finished piece.  This is frankly the most time-consuming part of the custom jewelry design process-- taking sometimes as much as 10 days, especially if multiple rounds of feedback from you and subsequent revisions by our CAD team are needed to get it right-- but after we have the CAD done you'll get an opportunity to see the design from different angles to make sure the ring or other custom cubic zirconia jewelry piece you've ordered will come out exactly like you want it.  Learn more about the CAD deposit here.

We don't begin manufacturing until you're fully satisfied we understand what you want and have told us so by approving the CAD in writing.

Here's an example of the CAD design images you'll receive during the CAD design phase of manufacturing:

After it's complete, you'll get to see the digital design for approval and provide us with your feedback so we can make any changes necessary to make sure you're sure we've got it right. We do not set a limit on revisions -- we will do as many rounds of revisions as it takes to get it right, as long as the requested changes are within the scope of the original design these revisions are done with no additional charge.


A: Every product on our website is hand-made to order based on the exact specifications of our customers.  That said, custom designs will almost always be more expensive than similar pre-manufactured designs in our collection because of the costs associated with creating a new jewelry design and manufacturing it for the first time.  Even with a relatively simple ring, our computer design team must create a 3-D digital design of your ring and this process has real costs.  The more complex the design, the more time intensive this process becomes and therefore the more expensive.  The average cost for custom design CAD work is $300. For a more detailed explanation see answers to FAQ questions "Is custom jewelry more costly than a pre-manufactured design?" and "What variables make up your price for a custom cubic zirconia jewelry piece?" outlined above.    

If the custom design costs are prohibitive to your custom design, we’d be happy to help you find other designs in our existing collection that are similar to your design requirements but might save you some money. Contact us through the website, or call us U.S. toll-free 1-888-355-2484 and we’ll talk over your needs and promise to share some less expensive options if we can find them in our unpublished catalog.

A: You’ll have full approval of the design before we start manufacturing.  We start by creating a CAD digital rendering of your design.  This where our jewelry computer design team takes the images and/or sketches you provide, as well as your specific instructions, and creates a 3-D digital design of your ring.  After it's complete, you'll get to see the digital design for approval and provide us with your feedback so we can make any changes necessary to make sure you're sure we've got it right.

This digital design rendering's computer file is what we feed into the machine to build the first wax mold of your jewelry, a wax mold that our experienced jewelry craftsmen use as the model for hand-manufacturing the finished piece.  With small exceptions such as the size of the prongs—which we’ll point out to you in the email when we provide your CAD images for approval— the CAD rendering and the resulting custom jewelry piece will be a “what you saw approved is what you’ll get” type of thing. Learn more about the CAD deposit here.


Remember, we don't begin manufacturing your custom jewelry until you're fully satisfied we understand what you want and have told us so by approving the CAD in writing.

Here's an example of the CAD design images you'll receive during the CAD design phase of manufacturing:

A: The way we do business is not standard in the jewelry industry, even among companies that claim to offer a free custom jewelry quote. Go ahead and use a to do a search for "custom CZ jewelry" or “custom CZ rings” and navigate those search results to request a price quote from a handful of other companies that create custom CZ jewelry. Honestly, as a smart consumer you really should see what your options are, right? Here's why we have no fear to tell you that!

The truth is, we've studied the custom cubic zirconia jewelry competition out there and we know that we produce a better quality product at a better price, with better service and support as well as a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee and Lifetime Warranty that's simply unmatched.

competitive shopping cubic zirconia custom engagement ringsYou'll be lucky with some of these competitors to get any response at all to your initial query! Others won't respond for a week (we do our best to respond with a firm price, or questions that will help us get closer to providing that firm price, within 48 hours). Most companies in this arena will simply send you an email with a few words and a dollar figure, with no surety they understand exactly what you want and no guarantee that the price is fixed once you begin working with them and they finally seem to understand what you want created. You'll know these companies from the disclaimers they use that the price quote they give you is subject to change for any reason, which in our opinion includes their having not bothered to understand your request fully in the first place!

Honestly, we encourage you to submit your quote for custom cubic zirconia jewelry to other companies and see if you, too, don't feel like our customers have told us they feel when they first looked into doing business with some of these other jewelers. Unless you like being brushed off, talked down to, or having your questions ignored...we're confident you'll prefer our way of communicating and doing business!

So go ahead, shop your custom design request around while you’re waiting to hear back from us. It’ll become pretty clear to you pretty quickly that is exactly what we say the company is: The Clear Choice™ for Cubic Zirconia.